Monday, April 11, 2011

letting go.

Sometimes it's best to just say goodbye to unrealistic goals and impossible expectations.  Did I really ever truly believe that I could conquer these 100 days cheat free?  Did I ever honestly say to myself, "No excuses, you're doing this...this time?"  You bet you're sweet Aunt Franny I did. That said, I have learned something very important about myself in these passed 36 days.  No matter how strong my will, and how eager my spirit, there's always going to be that one little something that throws me off my success track and into what I consider failure. 

Yes, that little bit of discouragement that says, "Rachel, you can't do this, what were you thinking?!?"  I'm sure everyone has that little something, and it's different for everyone.  And they can't be moved.

But you know what?  Neither can I.  No matter how much I'm tested through this and other tribulations I'm bound to encounter, I know that after the clouds part and my positive energy is released back in front of my eyes, I'm right there, back where I left off, ready to keep going.

The trick isn't to punish and chastise myself for what I see as failure and for what others see as human err.  It's to let go of believing that perfection is gained through rules and regulations implanted in a life of trying and succeeding, and grab on to the fact that perfection is there simply because I tried.

1 comment:

  1. You're such an inspiration!!! I love your motivation and dedication. I need to be more like you my dear!
